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Safe Parenting Practices

The following resources are designed to educate parents about practices that promote children’s healthy development and safety, including supporting age-appropriate self-regulation, using developmentally appropriate discipline, and safely encouraging child independence. Resources for parents of children with social, emotional, or health challenges are also provided.

The Importance of Positive and Responsive Interactions with Caregivers

Positive Parenting by Age

The Benefits of Reading to Infants and Toddlers

The Importance of Routine for Young Children

Healthy Emotion Regulation

Supporting Child Independence

Parent–Child Communication

The Importance of Sleep

Build Children's Resilience by Creating Positive Childhood Experiences

Adaptive Parenting Tools (ADAPT)

Identifying Appropriate Emergency Contacts 

Parenting a Child with Social, Emotional, or Health Challenges


Developmental and Language Delays

Sensory Processing Issues

Autism Spectrum Disorders