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Book Chapters


Morganstein, J.C. (2024). Climate-Related Disasters: Impact, Risk, and Interventions. In R. Moore (Ed.). Climate Change and Mental Health Equity (pp. 469-502). Springer, New York. DOI


Cozza, S. J., & Fisher, J. E. (2024). Bereavement. In C. F. Reynolds III, S. J. Cozza, P. K. Maciejewski, H. G. Prigerson, M. K. Shear, N. Simon, & S. Zisook (Eds.), Grief and Prolonged Grief Disorder. American Psychiatric Association Publishing.

Cozza, S. J., & Ogle, C. M. (2024). Bereavement, grief, and Prolonged Grief Disorder in children and adolescents. In C. F. Reynolds III, S. J. Cozza, P. K. Maciejewski, H. G. Prigerson, M. K. Shear, N. Simon, & S. Zisook (Eds.), Grief and Prolonged Grief Disorder. American Psychiatric Association Publishing.

Fisher, J.E., Zuleta, R.F., Hefner, K.R., Cozza, S.J. (2023). Combat-Related Injuries and Bereavement: Effects on Military and Veteran Families and Suggested Interventions. In: Warner, C.H., Castro, C.A. (eds), Veteran and Military Mental Health. Springer, Cham. DOI

Pineles, S. L., Pandey, S., Shor, R., Abi-Raad, R. F., Kimble, M. O., & Orr, S. P. (2023). Loudness Dependence of Auditory Evoked Potentials (LDAEP): A promising pre-treatment predictor of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) response. In G. Pinna (Ed.), Translational Methods for PTSD Research (pp. 305-324). New York, NY: Springer Nature. DOI

West, J.C., Morganstein, J.C., Benedek, D., & Ursano, R. (2023). Managing Psychological Consequences in Disaster Populations. In Tasman, A. et al. (Eds.), Tasman’s Psychiatry, fifth edition. New York: Springer.


Morganstein, J.C., Mash, H.H., Teisberg, M.B., Ford, S.C., Fullerton, C.S., Ursano, R.J. (2022). Pandemics & Mental Health: Epidemiology & Public Health. In Dugue, M., Llorente, M., Roca, R. (Eds.). Geriatric Mental Health Care: Lessons from a Pandemic (pp. 1-22). American Psychiatric Association Publishing. Washington, DC.


Morganstein, J. C., Mash, H. H., Vance, M. C., Fullerton, C. S., & Ursano, R. J. (2021). Public mental health interventions following mass casualties. In M. J. Friedman, T. Keane, P. Schnurr (Eds.), Handbook of PTSD: Science and practice, 3rd ed (pp. 570-588). Guilford Press.

West, J. C., Wynn, G. H. & Benedek, D. M. (2021). Pharmacotherapy for PTSD. In J. G. Beck & D. M. Sloan (Eds.), The oxford handbook of traumatic stress disorders (2nd ed). Oxford University Press.

Zhang, L., Hu, X., Li, X. & Ursano, R. J. (2021). Chemokines as potential biomarkers for PTSD in military population. In N. V. Gorbunov (Ed.), Current Topics on Military Medicine, (pp. 1-10)  IntechOpen, doi: 10.5772/intechopen.96133. 


Regier, D. A., Goldberg, D. P., Ustun, B. T., & Reed, G. M. (2020). DSM-5 and ICD-11 classifications. In J. R. Geddes, N. C. Andreasen, & G. M. Goodwin (Eds.), New oxford textbook of psychiatry (3rd ed). Oxford University Press.

Ursano, R. J., Morganstein, J. C., & West, J. C. (2020). Essential issues on terrorism: Planning for acute response and intervention. In E. Vermetten, I. Frankova, L. Carmi, O. Chaban, & J. Zohar (Eds.), NATO science for peace and security series: Risk management of terrorism induced stress – Guidelines for the golden hours (Vol. 148, pp. 3-9). IOS Press.

West, J. C., Hamaoka, D. A., & Ursano, R. J. (2020). Outpatient treatment of the suicidal patient. In L. H. Gold & R. Frierson (Eds.), Textbook of suicide risk assessment and management. American Psychiatric Publishing.


Cozza, S. J., Harrington-LaMorie, J., & Fisher, J. E. (2019). U.S. Military Service Deaths: Bereavement in Surviving Families. In E. L. Weiss, C. A. Castro (Eds.), American Military Life in the 21st Century: Social, Cultural, and Economic Issues and Trends. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Morganstein, J.C. (2019). Combat and Operational Stress. In E. Bridges (Eds.). Battlefield and Disaster Nursing Pocket Guide. Jones & Bartlett Publishing. Burlington, MA.

Morganstein, J.C. (2019). Crisis Leadership. In E. Bridges (Eds.). Battlefield and Disaster Nursing Pocket Guide. Jones & Bartlett Publishing. Burlington, MA.

Morganstein, J.C. (2019). Provider Self-Care. In E. Bridges (Eds.). Battlefield and Disaster Nursing Pocket Guide. Jones & Bartlett Publishing. Burlington, MA.

Morganstein, J. C., West, J. C., & Ursano, R. J. (2019). Work Associated Trauma. In M. B. Riba, S. Parikh, J. Greden (Eds.), Mental Health in the Workplace: Strategies and Tools to Optimize Outcomes. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Publishing Company.

Morganstein, J. C., Yang, S., Wynn, G. H., Benedek, D. M., & Ursano, R. J. (2019). Acute Stress Disorder. In B. O. Olatunji (Ed.), Handbook of Anxiety and Related Disorders (pp. 685-722). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Ng, A., Morganstein, J.C. (2019). Disaster Psychiatry and Psychiatric Emergency Services. In R. Glick, J. Berlin, A. Fishkind, S. Zeller (Eds.). Emergency Psychiatry: Principles and Practices. Wolters Kluwer Publishing Company. Philadelphia, PA.

Zhang, L., Hu, X. Z., Li, H., Li, X., Yu, T., Dohl, J., & Ursano, R. J. (2019). Updates in PTSD animal models characterization. In F. H. Kobeissy (Ed.), Psychiatric disorders: Methods in molecular biology (pp. 331-344). New York, NY: Humana.


Mash, H. B. H., Naifeh, J. A., Fullerton, C. S., Morganstein, J. C., Ursano, R. J. (2018) Suicidal behaviors in military and veteran populations: Risk factors and strategies for prevention and intervention. In L. Roberts & C. Warner (Eds.), Military and veteran mental health (pp. 401-419). New York, NY: Springer.

Meyer, E., West, J.C., Backus, C., Moran, S., Morganstein, J.C., Russell, D., Cozza, S., Schoomaker, E. (2018). Military and Veteran Culture and the Importance of Military Cultural Competence. In L. Roberts & C. Warner (Eds.), Military and veteran mental health (pp. 15-33). New York, NY: Springer.

Regier, D. A., Morris, S. E., Schultz, S. K. (2018). DSM-5 Overview and Goals. In D. S. Charney, P. Sklar, J. D. Buxbaum, E. J. Nestler (Eds.), Charney & Nestler’s Neurobiology of Mental Illness (5th ed) (pp. 935-940). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Spangler, P. T., & West, J. C. (2018). Nightmare Deconstruction and Reprocessing for PTSD nightmares. In E. Vermetten, A. Germain, & T. Neylan (Eds.), Sleep and combat-related post traumatic stress disorder (pp. 311-316). New York, NY: Springer.

Wynn, G. H., Benedek, D. M., Morganstein, J. C., & Ursano, R. J. (2018). PTSD and War. In C. B. Nemeroff, C. Marmar (Eds.), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.


Ashwood, A., Moskowitz, S., Flynn, B. W., Sherman, R. (2017). Why Is Integrating Disaster Behavior Health Essential to Emergency Management? Challenges and Opportunities. In B. W. Flynn & R. Sherman (Eds.), Integrating Emergency Management and Disaster Behavioral Health: One Picture through Two Lenses (pp.39-70). Cambridge, MA: Elsevier. 

Benedek D. M., Morganstein J. C., Holloway H. C., Ursano R. J. (2017). Disaster Psychiatry: Disasters, Terrorism, and War. In B. J. Sadock, V. A. Sadock, P. Ruiz (Eds.). Kaplan & Sadock’s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Baltimore, MD.

Brown, J. J., Freeman, C. A., Flynn, B. W., Sherman, R. (2017). Integration in the Emergency Operations Center (EOC)/Emergency Communications Center (ECC). In B. W. Flynn & R. Sherman (Eds.), Integrating Emergency Management and Disaster Behavioral Health: One Picture through Two Lenses (pp.255-276). Cambridge, MA: Elsevier.

Flynn, B. W., Philbin, J. P. (2017). Risk and Crisis Communications. In B. W. Flynn & R. Sherman (Eds.), Integrating Emergency Management and Disaster Behavioral Health: One Picture through Two Lenses (pp.277-296). Cambridge, MA: Elsevier. 

Flynn, B. W., Sherman, R. (2017). Sustaining Integration: A Way Forward. In B. W. Flynn & R. Sherman (Eds.), Integrating Emergency Management and Disaster Behavioral Health: One Picture through Two Lenses (pp.321-330). Cambridge, MA: Elsevier. 

Flynn, B. W., Sherman, R. (2017). Conclusion/Summary. In B. W. Flynn & R. Sherman (Eds.), Integrating Emergency Management and Disaster Behavioral Health: One Picture through Two Lenses (pp.331-337). Cambridge, MA: Elsevier. 

Mirsky, A. F., & Duncan, C. C. (2017). The continuous performance test and the “attention battery.” In A. Wenzel (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology, Vols 1-7. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

Morganstein, J. C., Ursano, R. J., Fullerton, C. S., Holloway, H. C. (2017). Pandemics: Health Care Emergencies. In R. J. Ursano, C. S. Fullerton, L. Weisaeth, B. Raphael (Eds.). Textbook of Disaster Psychiatry, 2Ed (pp. 270-283). Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, UK.  

Morganstein, J. C., Ursano, R. J., Fullerton, C. S., Holloway, H. C. (2017). Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction. In R. J. Ursano, C. S. Fullerton, L. Weisaeth, B. Raphael (Eds.). Textbook of Disaster Psychiatry, 2Ed (pp. 193-211). Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, UK.  

Morganstein, J. C., West, J. C., Ursano, R. J. (2017). Work Associated Trauma. In K. Brower, M. B. Riba (Eds.). Physician Mental Health and Well-Being: Research and Practice (pp. 33-60). Springer Nature Publishing Company. Cham, Switzerland.

Shultz, J. M., Jackson, M. C., Flynn, B. W., Sherman, R. (2017). Integration in Disasters of Different Types, Severity, and Location.  In B. W. Flynn & R. Sherman (Eds.), Integrating Emergency Management and Disaster Behavioral Health: One Picture through Two Lenses (pp.101-128). Cambridge, MA: Elsevier. 

Zensinger, L. W., Jacobs, G. A., Flynn, B. W., Sherman, R. (2017). Expanding the Tent: How Training and Education Partnerships with Other Professions Can Enhance Both EM and BH. In B. W. Flynn & R. Sherman (Eds.), Integrating Emergency Management and Disaster Behavioral Health: One Picture through Two Lenses (pp.191-220). Cambridge, MA: Elsevier. 


Morganstein J.C., West J.C., Huff L.A., Flynn B.W., Fullerton C.S., Benedek D.M., Ursano R.J. (2016). Psychosocial Responses to Disaster and Exposures: Distress Reactions, Health Risk Behavior, and Mental Disorders. In J. Shigemura, R.K. Chhem (Eds.), Mental Health and Social Issues Following a Nuclear Accident – The Case of Fukushima. Tokyo, Japan: Springer

West J.C., Morganstein J.C. (2016). Psychological Effects of Military Personnel Assigned to Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response Missions. In G. Christodoulou, J. Mezzich, N. Christodoulou, D. Lecic-Tosevski, (Eds.). Disasters: Mental Health Context and Responses. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Newcastle, UK.


Benedek, D.M. & Grieger, T.A. (2015). Legal issues in psychiatric practice. In A. Tasman, J. Kay, J.A. Lieberman, M.B. First, & M.B. Riba (Eds.), Psychiatry (4th edition) (pp.85-98). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

Gabbay, F.H., Choi, K.H., Wynn, G.H., & Ursano, R.J. (2015). The role of endocannabinoid function in posttraumatic stress disorder: Modulating the risk phenotype and rendering effects of trauma. In L.Fattore (Ed.), Cannabinoids in Neurologic and Mental Disease (pp. 247-288). Oxford, UK: Elsevier.

Ursano, A.M., Sonnenberg, S.M., & Ursano, R.J. (2015). Physician-patient relationship. In A. Tasman, J. Kay, J.A. Lieberman, M.B. First, & M.B. Riba (Eds.), Psychiatry (4th edition) (pp.20-33). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

West, J.C., Benedek, D.M., Hamaoka, D., & Ursano, R.J. (2015). Managing psychological consequences in disaster populations. In A. Tasman, J. Kay, J.A. Lieberman, M.B. First, & M.B. Riba (Eds.), Psychiatry (4th edition) (pp. 2521-2532). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

West, J.C. (2015). Therapeutic Alliance in Treatment of Combat PTSD. In E. Ritchie (Ed.), PosttraumaticStress Disorder and Related Diseases in Combat Veterans (pp. 27-34). New York: Springer.

Zhang, L., Hu, X.Z., Li, H., & Ursano, R.J. (2015). Posttraumatic stress disorder biomarker – p11. In F. Durbano (Ed.), A Fresh Look at Anxiety Disorders (pp. 89-100). Rijeka, Croatia: InTech.


Malone, R.D. & Benedek, D.M. (2014). Personality disorders in the military operational environment. In J.M. Oldham, A.E. Skodol, & D.S. Bender (Eds.), Textbook of personality disorders, second edition. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.

Naifeh, J.A., Cox, D.W., Goldenberg, M.N., & Nock, M.K. (2014). Suicidal thoughts and behaviors in military service members and veterans. In S.J. Cozza, M.N. Goldenberg & R.J. Ursano (Eds.), Care of military service members, veterans, and their families (pp. 183-201). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.

Naifeh, J.A., Nock, M.K., & Ursano, R.J. (2014). Suicide in the armed forces. In C. Nemeroff, P. Ruiz, & S.H. Koslow (Eds.), A Concise guide to understanding suicide: Epidemiology pathophysiology and prevention. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Ursano, R.J. & Carr, R. (2014). Psychodynamic psychotherapy. In R.E. Hales, S.C. Yudofsky, & G. Gabbard (Eds.), Textbook of psychiatry 6th edition. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Press.

Ursano, R.J., Sonnenberg, S.M., Lazar, S.G., & Carr, R.B. (2014). The psychodynamic psychotherapy. In R. Hales, S. Yudofsky, & G. Gabbard (Eds.), The textbook of psychiatry 6th edition. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Press.


Dempsey C.L., Fullerton C.S., Herberman Mash H.B., Ramsawh H., Naifeh J.A., & Ursano R.J. (2013). New approaches in suicide research. In M.S. Mortensen (Ed.), Explorations in social causality: A tribute to Eilert Sundt. Oslo, Norway: Atlantic Press.

Ursano R.J., Fullerton C.S., & Benedek D.M. (2013). What is psychopathology after disasters? Considerations about the nature of the psychological and behavioral consequences of disasters. In: Neria Y., Galea S., & Norris F.H. (Eds.), Mental health and disasters (pp. 131-142). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Ursano A.M., Sonnenberg S.M., & Ursano R.J. (2013). Physician-patient relationship. In A. Tasman, J. Kay, & R.J. Ursano (Eds.), The psychiatric interview: Evaluation and diagnosis (pp. 31-46). New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell Press.

Xing G., Carlton J., Jiang X., Jia M., Sharma P., Choi K.H., & Li H. (2013). Delayed effects of repeated inescapable severe stress on brain cannabinoid receptor expression and acoustic startle response in adolescent male rats: Relevance to the development of posttraumatic stress disorder and stress-related brain atrophy. In E. Forman & J. Fuller (Eds.), Post-traumatic stress disorder: New research. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Sciences Publishers, Inc.

Zhang L., Li C.T., Su, T-P., Hu X-Z., Smerin S., Li H., Li X., & Ursano R.J. (2013). Potential biomarkers for bipolar disorder: P11 expression and PET. In N.B. Moore (Ed.), bipolar disorder: Symptoms, management and risk factors. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Sciences Publishers, Inc.


Biggs Q.M., Guimond J.M., Fullerton C.S., Ursano R.J., & A.S.D. Workgroup (Gray C., Goldenberg M.N., Reissman D., McCarroll J.E., Santiago P., Tyler M.P.). (2012). The epidemiology of acute stress disorder and other early responses to trauma in adults. In Beck J.G. & Sloan D.M. (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of traumatic stress disorders (pp. 69-83).  New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Goldenberg, M. N., Benedek, D. M., & Ursano, R. J. (2012). Disaster victims and the response to trauma. In H. L. McQuistion, W. E. Sowers, J. M. Ranz, & J. M. Feldman (Eds.), Textbook of Community Psychiatry (pp. 435-446). New York, NY: Springer.

McGuire J.L., Coyner M.J., & Johnson L.R. (2012). Rodent models of conditioned fear: behavioral measures of fear and memory. In: Szallasi A& Biro T. (Eds.), TRP channels in drug discovery (pp 187-202). New York, NY: Humana Press.

Russell C.A., Russell D.W., & Neijens P.C. (2012). Evidence of country-based prejudices in the marketplace. In: Russell D.W. and Russell C.A. (Eds.), The psychology of prejudice (pp. 113-127). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Russell C.A., & Russell D.W. (2012). Alcohol messages in television series: content and effects. In Shrum L.J., (Ed.), The psychology of entertainment media: Blurring the lines between entertainment and persuasion, 2nd edition. New York, NY: Taylor and Francis.

Ursano R.J., Fullerton C.S., Biggs Q.M., & Santiago P.N (2102). Epidemiology of acute stress disorder in adults. In G. Beck, D. Sloan (Eds.), Handbook of traumatic stress disorders. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.


Cozza S.J. (2011). Meeting the wartime needs of military children and adolescents. In J.I. Ruzek, P.P. Schnurr, J.J. Vasterling, M.J. Friedman (Eds.), Caring for veterans with deployment-related stress disorders. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Cozza S.J., & Feerick M.M. (2011). The impact of parental combat injury on young military children. In J. Osofsky (Ed.), Young children and trauma, intervention and treatment. New York, NY: Guilford.

Cozza S.J., & Guimond J.M. (2011). Working with combat injured families through the recovery trajectory. In S.M. MacDermid Wadsworth, D. Riggs (Eds.), Risk and resilience in U.S. military families. New York, NY: Springer.

Cozza S.J., & Lehman D.H. (2011). The families and children of fallen military service members. In E.C. Richie (Ed.) War psychiatry. Washington, DC: Borden Institute.

Diebold C., Waits W., Brown M., & Benedek D.M. (2011). Military psychiatry graduate medical education. In: Ritchie E.C., (Ed.), Textbook of combat and operational psychiatry (pp. 669-692). Borden Institute Textbooks of Military Medicine, Office of the Surgeon General of the United States Army.

Ritchie E.C., & Benedek D.M. (2011). Psychological issues and mass fatality. In: Gursky E.A. & Fierro M.F. (Eds.), Death in large numbers: The science, policy and management of mass fatality events (pp. 279-304). American Medical Association.

Flynn B.W. Community and organizational responses to disaster. (2011). In Kaufman R., Edwards R., Mirsky J., & Avgar A. (Eds.), Crisis as an opportunity: Organizational and community responses to disasters (pp. 1–15).  University Press of America.

Jiang X., Chen A., Smerin S., Zhang L., & Li H. (2011). Pharmacology of 5-HT2 modulation of amygdala & hypothalamus in anxiety disorders. In: Kalinin V. (Ed.). Anxiety disorders (pp. 39-50). InTech.

Reissman D., Schreiber M.D., Shultz J.M., & Ursano R.J. (2009). Disaster mental and behavioral health. In K.L. Koenig & C.H. Schultz (Eds.), Disaster medicine. Cambridge University Press.

Robichaux R.J., & McCarroll J.E. (2011). Family maltreatment and military deployment. In Ritchie E.C. (Ed.) Textbook of combat and operational psychiatry (pp. 535-542). Borden Institute Textbooks of Military Medicine, Office of the Surgeon General of the United States Army.

Schneider B., Bradley J., Warner C.H., & Benedek D.M. (2011). Psychiatric medications in military operations. In: Ritchie E.C. (Ed.), Textbook of combat and operational Psychiatry (pp. 151-162). Borden Institute Textbooks of Military Medicine, Office of the Surgeon General of the United States Army.

Terhakopian A., Benedek D.M., &  Ritchie E.C. (2011). Disaster psychiatry. In: Ritchie E.C. (Ed.). Textbook of combat and operational psychiatry (pp. 579-592). Borden Institute Textbooks of Military Medicine, Office of the Surgeon General of the United States Army.

Zhang L., Hu X., Li H., Li X.X., Smerin S., & Ursano R.J. (2011). Potential blood tests for mental disorders. In: Columbus A.M. (Ed.), Advances in Psychology Research (pp. 97–114). Volume 89. NOVA Science Publishers.

Zhang L., Hu X., Li X.X., Li H., & Ursano R.J. (2011). PTSD and current translational research. In: Kalinin V., (Ed.). Anxiety Disorders (pp. 69-96). InTech.


Goldenberg M.N., Benedek D.M., & Ursano R.J. Acute stress reactions, acute stress disorder and PTSD: treatment and prevention in the aftermath of trauma. In T. Uhde (Ed.), Therapeutic Strategies in Depression and Anxiety (in press).

Ursano R.J., Fullerton C.S., & Benedek D.M. (2010). Chapter 8. What is psychopathology after disasters? Considerations about the Nature of the Psychological and behavioral Consequences of Disasters. In Y. Neria, S. Galea, F. H. Norris (Eds.), Mental Health and Disasters. Cambridge University Press, pp: 131-142.

Zhang L., Li H., & Ursano R.J. (2010). Heat shock proteins and post-traumatic stress disorder. In A.A.A. Asea, B.K. Pedersen (Eds.), Heat shock proteins and whole body physiology (pp. 179-192). Netherlands: Springer.


Reissman D., Schreiber M.D., Shultz J.M., & Ursano R.J. (2009). Disaster mental and behavioral health. In K.L. Koenig & C.H. Schultz (Eds.). Disaster medicine Cambridge University Press.

Ursano R.J., Fullerton C.S., & Benedek D.M. (2009). What is psychopathology after disasters? Considerations about the nature of the psychological and behavioral consequences of disasters. In Y. Neria, S. Galea, F.H. Norris (Eds.), Mental health and disasters (pp. 131-142). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Ursano R.J., & Ursano A.M. (2009). Brief individual psychodynamic psychotherapy. In Gelder, J. Lopez and N. Andreasen (Eds.), Oxford textbook of psychiatry 2nd Ed., vol. 2. M. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.


Grieger T.A., Benedek D.M., & Ursano R.J. (2008). Posttraumatic stress disorder, aggression and violence. In Simon, R.I. & Tardiff, K. (Eds.), Agression and mental health (pp. 123-140). APPI, Washington, D.C., 2008.

Flynn B.W. & Lane C.F. (2008). Integrating organizational and behavioral health principles to promote resilience in extreme events. In C. Cooper, R. Burke (Eds.), International threats to security: Managerial and organizational challenges. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Fullerton, C.S., Ursano, R.J., Biggs Q. (2008). Terrorism. In G. Reyes, J. Elhai, J. Ford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of psychological trauma. Wiley.

Hamaoka, D., Benedek, D.M., & Ursano, R.J. (2008). Managing psychological consequences in disaster populations. In A. Tasman, J. Kay and J. Lieberman (Eds.), Psychiatry 3rd Ed,  William & Wilkins.

Mastroianni G., Mabry T., Benedek, D., & Ursano R. (2008). The stresses of modern war. In B. Lukey & V. Tepe (Eds.). Biobehavioral resilience to stress. CRC Press.

Ursano A.M., Sonnenberg S., & Ursano, R.J. (2008).  The doctor-patient relationship. In Psychiatry 3rdEd, A Tasman, J Kay and J Lieberman (Eds.). West Sussex, UK: Wiley.


Benedek, D. M., Ursano, R. J. & Fullerton C.S. (2007). Public health workers in humanitarian missions, disasters, and terrorism: Health and mental health consequences. In Annual Review of Public Health, vol 28.

Benedek D.M., Ursano R.J., Matrioanni D., Mabry T., and Fullerton C.S. (2007). The stressors of modern war in state of the art report on resilience. US Government Printing Office.

Hamaoka, D., Benedek, D.M., Grieger, T., & Ursano, R.J. (2007). Crisis intervention. In Encyclopedia of stress 2nd edition, G. Fink (Eds.). Elsevier/Academic Press, London.

Shibley, H., Benedek D., & Ursano, R.J. (2007). Emergency personnel. In Marshall F et al. (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Stress.

Shibley, H., Benedek D., & Ursano, R.J. (2007) Grotesque death. In Encyclopedia of Stress, Marshall F et al (Eds.).

Ursano R.J., McCarroll J.E., & Fullerton C.S. (2007). Traumatic death in terrorism and disasters. In R.J. Ursano, C.S. Fullerton, L. Weisaeth & B. Raphael (Eds.), Textbook of Disaster Psychiatry. Cambridge University Press, London.

Ursano, R.J., Fullerton, C.S., & Benedek, D.M. (2007). Peritraumatic dissociation: Time perception and cerebellar regulation of psychological, interpersonal and biological processes. In Vermetten E., Dorahy M., Spiegel D. (Eds.). Traumatic dissociation. American Psychiatric Press, Inc., Washington, DC.

Ursano R.J., Fullerton C.S., Norwood A.E. & Holloway H.C. (2007). Weapons of mass destruction and pandemics: Global disasters with mass destruction and mass disruption, In R.J. Ursano., C.S. Fullerton, L. Weisaeth. & B. Raphael (Eds.), Textbook of disaster psychiatry, . Cambridge University Press, London.

Ursano R.J., Fullerton C.S., Weisaeth L., & Raphael B. Individual and community responses to disaster. In R.J. Ursano, C.S. Fullerton, Weisaeth L. & B. Raphael, Textbook of disaster psychiatry. Cambridge University Press, London (2007).

Ursano R.J., Fullerton C.S., Weisaeth L., & Raphael B. Public health and disaster mental health: preparing, responding and recovering. In R.J. Ursano, C.S. Fullerton, L. Weisaeth & B. Raphael (Eds.). Textbook of Disaster Psychiatry, Cambridge University Press, London (2007).

Ursano R.J., McCarroll J.E. & Fullerton C.S. (2007). Traumatic death in disaster and terrorism. In R.J. Ursano., C.S. Fullerton, L. Weisaeth. & B. Raphael (Eds.), Textbook of disaster psychiatry. Cambridge University Press, London.

Vineburgh N.T., Gifford R.K., Ursano R.J., Fullerton C.S., & Benedek D.M. (2007). Workplace disaster preparedness and response. In R.J. Ursano., C.S. Fullerton, L. Weisaeth. & B. Raphael (Eds.), Textbook of Disaster Psychiatry. Cambridge University Press, London.


Fullerton, C.S., McCarroll, J.E., Ursano, R. J. (2006). Conducting research with military and uniformed services workers. In F. Norris, M. Friedman, P. Watson, J. Hamblen (Eds.), Research Methods and Strategies for Studying Mental Health after Disasters and Terrorism.

Ursano, R.J., Vineburgh, N.T., Gifford, R., Benedek, D.M., & Fullerton C.S. (2006). Workplace preparedness for terrorism: Report of findings to Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress, Bethesda MD. 2006.


Vineburgh, N., Fullerton, C.S., Ursano, R.J. Disaster preparedness as a model for workplace integration. In P. Herhilgy, Integrative approaches for the workplace. 2005.

Vineburgh, N., Fullerton, C.S., Ursano, R.J. Workplace preparedness and resiliency: An integrated response to terrorism. In B. Fisher, Trauma and workplace violence. 2005.


Fullerton, C.S., Ursano, R.J. (2004). Psychological and psychopathological consequences of disasters. In M. Maj (Ed.), Disasters and Mental Health. World Psychiatric Association Press.

Fullerton, C.S., Ursano, R.J., Norwood, A. (2004). Planning for the psychological effects of bioterrorism. In R. J. Ursano, C. S. Fullerton, A.E. Norwood (Eds.), Bioterrorism: Psychological and public health interventions (pp. 2-14). London: Cambridge University Press.

Ursano, R.J., Fullerton, C.S., and Norwood, A.E. Behavioral and mental health responses to bioterrorism: Needs for the Public’s health. In R. J. Ursano, C. S. Fullerton, A. E. Norwood (Eds.). Bioterrorism: Psychological and public health interventions. London: Cambridge University Press, pp. 332-348, 2004.


Fullerton, C.S., Ursano, R.J., Norwood, A.E., & Holloway, H.C. (2003). Trauma, terrorism and disaster. In Ursano, R.J., Fullerton, C.S., Norwood, A.E. (Eds.), Terrorism and disaster: Individual and community mental health interventions. London: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-20, 2003.

Ursano, R.J., McCarroll, J.E., & Fullerton, C.S. (2003). Traumatic death in terrorism and disasters: The effects on posttraumatic stress and behavior. In Ursano, R.J., Fullerton, C.S., Norwood, A.E. (Eds.), Terrorism and Disaster: Individual and Community Mental Health Interventions (pp. 308–332). London: Cambridge University Press.

Querci, R., Fullerton, C.S., Ursano, R.J. (2003). Psychological aspects of Bioterrorism. In V. Daniore, (Ed), Il Bioscudo. Milan, Italy: Sole 24 ORE.

Ursano, R.J., Fullerton, C.S., & Norwood, A.E. (2003). Terrorism and disasters: prevention, intervention, and recovery. In Ursano, R.J., Fullerton, C.S., Norwood, A.E. (Eds.), Terrorism and disaster: Individual and community mental health interventions (pp. 333–339) London: Cambridge University Press.

Ursano, R.J. Norwood, A.E., Fullerton, C.S., Holloway, H.C., Hall, M. (2003). Terrorism with weapons of mass destruction: Chemical, biological, nuclear, radiological and explosive agents. In R.J. Ursano, A.E. Norwood (Eds.), Trauma and disaster responses and management. American Psychiatric Publishing Inc, Washington, DC.

Ursano, R.J., Norwood, A.E., Fullerton, C.S., Levinson, C.P. (2003). Emerging hope in the face of bioterrorism: Affirming life in a time of fear Paintings as a medium to convey hope. USUHS, Bethesda, MD (also in CD-ROM).


Fullerton, C. S. (2002). Book review: Underground: The Tokyo gas attack and the Japanese psyche. Medscape General Medicine,


Ursano, R.J., Fullerton, C.S., Norwood, A.E. (Eds.). (2001). Responses to Terrorism & Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Planning for Biological Events. Conference Proceedings. (DTIC). Bethesda, MD:USUHS.


Ursano, R.J., Fullerton, C.S., Norwood, A.E. (Eds.). (2000). Planning for Bioterrorism: Behavior & Mental Health Responses to Weapons of Mass Weapons of Mass Destruction & Mass Disruption. Conference Proceedings. (DTIC: 142 pages). Bethesda, MD: USUHS.

Ursano, R.J., Fullerton, C.S., Vance, K, Wang, L. (2000). Debriefing: Its role in the spectrum of prevention and acute management of psychological trauma. In B. Raphael & J.P. Wilson (Eds.), Psychological Debriefing: Theory, Practice and Evidence (pp. 32–42).


Staab, J., Fullerton, C.S., Ursano, R.J. (1999). PTSD: Prevention and regulatory mechanisms in post-traumatic stress: etiology and research. In B. Lubin & R. Geist (Eds.), Response to disaster: Psychosocial, community & ecological approaches. Bristol, PA: Taylor & Francis.

Staab, J., Fullerton, C.S., Ursano, R.J. (1999). A critical look at PTSD: constructs, concepts, epidemiology, and implications. In B. Lubin & R. Geist (Eds.), Response to disaster: Psychosocial, community & ecological approaches. Bristol, PA: Taylor & Francis.


Ursano, R.J., Fullerton, C.S. (1998). Administration, scoring, & procedures manual for the DSMPTSD III-R and DSMPTSD-IV. (DTIC: A334297: 45 pages) USUHS, Bethesda, MD.

Ursano, R.J., McCarroll, J.E., Newby, J., Emanuel, R., Norwood, A., Fullerton, C.S. (1998). Army family violence research conference: Recommendations. (DTIC: A352298PAA: 19 pages). Bethesda, MD: USUHS.

Ursano, R.J., McCarroll, J.E., Newby, J., Emanuel, R., Norwood, A., Fullerton, C.S., Thayer, L. (1998). Army family violence conference transcripts. (DTIC: A352308PAA: 167 pages). Bethesda, MD: USUHS.

McCarroll, J.E., Thayer, L., Ursano, R.J., Newby, J., Norwood, A., Fullerton, C. S. (1998). Spouse abuse: U.S. Army central registry (1989-1996, Revised). (DTIC: A352490PAA: 32 pages). Bethesda, MD: USUHS, 1998.

McCarroll, J.E., Thayer, L., Ursano, R.J., Newby, J.H., Norwood, A.E., Fullerton, C.S. (1998). Family violence measurement: A sourcebook for FAP. (DTIC: A352862PAA: 19 pages). Bethesda, MD: USUHS.

McCarroll, J.E., Thayer, L., Ursano, R.J., Newby, J.H., Norwood, A., Fullerton, C.S. (1998). Child abuse: U.S. Army central registry (1989-1996). (DTIC: A352985PAA: 31 pages). Bethesda, MD:USUHS.


Fullerton, C.S., Ursano, R.J. (1997). The other side of chaos: understanding the patterns of posttraumatic responses. In C.S. Fullerton and R.J. Ursano (Eds.), Posttraumatic stress disorder: Acute and long-term responses to trauma and disaster (pp. 3-18). Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press, Washington, DC.

McCarroll, J.E., Ursano, R.J., Fullerton, C.S. (1997). Exposure to traumatic death in disaster and war. In C.S. Fullerton & R.J. Ursano (Eds.), Posttraumatic stress disorder: Acute and long-term responses to trauma and disaster (pp. 37-58).  Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press.

Fullerton, C.S., Ursano, R.J. (1997). Posttraumatic responses in spouse/significant others of disaster workers. In C.S. Fullerton & R.J. Ursano (Eds.), Posttraumatic stress disorder: Acute and long-term responses to trauma and disaster (pp. 59-75). Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press.

McCarroll, J.E., Ursano, R.J., Norwood, A.E., Fullerton, C.S., Newby, J.H., Dixon, S., Vance, K., McFarlan, K. (1997). Analysis of reports of spouse abuse from the U.S. Army Central Registry (1975-1995). (DTIC: A331632: 30 pages). USUHS, Bethesda, MD.

Ursano, R.J., Fullerton, C.S. (1997). Trauma, time, and recovery, in posttraumatic stress disorder: Acute and long-term responses to trauma and disaster (pp. 269-274). C.S. Fullerton & R.J. Ursano (Eds.). Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press.


Fullerton, C.S., Brandt, G. Ursano, R.J. Chemical & biological warfare: Behaviors & psychological responses to the CBW environment. in R.J. Ursano, & A. Norwood. (Eds.), Emotional aftermath of the Persian Gulf War: Veterans, families, communities, & nations. Washington, DC.: American Psychiatric Association Press, , 1996.

McCarroll, J.E., Ursano, R.J., Norwood, A.E., Fullerton, C.S., Newby, J.H., Dixon, S., Vance, K., McFarlan, K. Initial reports on child abuse and neglect from the U.S. Army Central Registry (1975-1995). (DTIC: A331641: 30 pages). USUHS, Bethesda, MD, 1996.

Norwood, A.E., & Fullerton, C.S. Those left behind: A support program for military families. In R.J. Ursano & A.E. Norwood (Eds.) Those left behind and those who returned: Psychological responses to war in families, children, and soldiers. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association Press, 1996.

Gabbay, F.H., Ursano, R.J., Norwood, A.E., Fullerton, C.S., Sutton, L.K., Duncan, C.C. (Eds.). Sex differences, stress, and military readiness. (DTIC: ADA321693: 366 pages) USUHS, Bethesda, 1996.

Ursano, R.J., Norwood, A.E., Fullerton, C.S., Sutton, L.K. (Eds.). Gender, stress and coping in the U.S. Military. Volume III: Performance. (DTIC: A3099983: 248 pages) USUHS, Bethesda, MD, 1996.

Ursano, R.J., Norwood, A.E., Fullerton, C.S., Sutton, L.K. (Eds.). Gender, stress and coping in the U.S. Military. Volume IV: Training, deployment and contingency stressors. (DTIC:A3099981: 240 pages) USUHS, Bethesda, MD, 1996.

Fullerton, C.S., Ursano, R.J. (Eds.). Stress, health and performance in military women. Prospects, pitfalls & protean patterns from current research. (DTIC: A311646: 473 pages) USUHS, Bethesda, MD, 1996.


Ursano, R.J., Norwood, A.E., Fullerton, C.S., Sutton, L.K.. Gender, stress and coping in the U.S. Military. Volume I: Trauma, stress and health: Military women in combat, deployment and contingency operations. (DTIC: A3099980: 292 pages) USUHS, Bethesda, MD, 1995.

Ursano, R.J., Norwood, A.E., Fullerton, C.S., Sutton, L.K. (Eds.). Gender, stress and coping in the U.S. Military. Volume II: Historical perspectives on acculturation, deployment, and contingency stresses. (DTIC: A3099982: 159 pages) USUHS, Bethesda, MD, 1995.


Holloway, H.C., Fullerton, C.S. The psychology of terror. In R.J. Ursano, B. McCaughey, C.S. Fullerton, (Eds.). Individual and community responses to trauma and disaster: The structure of human chaos. London: Cambridge University Press, London, 1994.

Ursano, R.J., Fullerton, C.S., McCaughey, B.G. Trauma and disaster. In R.J. Ursano, B. McCaughey, C.S. Fullerton, (Eds.). Individual and community responses to trauma and disaster: The structure of human chaos. London: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

Ursano, R.J., McCaughey, B.G., Fullerton, C.S. The structure of human chaos. In R.J.
Ursano, B. McCaughey, C.S. Fullerton, (Eds.). Individual and community responses to trauma and disaster: The structure of human chaos. London: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

Brandt, G.T., Norwood, A.E., McCarroll, J.E., Ursano, R.J., Fullerton, C.S., Grieger, T.A., Hermsen, J. M. Responses to disasters, natural and man-made, and interventions with social supports. (DTIC: A286039: 142 pages) USUHS, Bethesda, MD, 1994.


Ursano, R.J., Fullerton, C.S., Wright, K.M., McCarroll, J.E., Norwood, A.E., Dinneen, M. Disaster workers: Trauma and social support (DTIC: ADB165599: 157 pages). Bethesda, MD:USUHS, 1992.

Ursano, R.J., Fullerton, C.S., McCarroll, J.E., Norwood, A.E., Dinneen, M., Jaccard, J.T., Wain, H. (Eds.). Stress and coping with war: Support providers and casualties of Operations Desert Shield/Storm. (DTIC: A256195: 81 pgs.). Bethesda, MD: USUHS, 1992.

Norwood, A.E., McCarroll, J.E., Ursano, R.J., Fullerton, C.S., Rosenberg, F.R., DeFraities, R.F. (Eds.). Stress and coping with war: The experience of deployment and reunion for mortuary affairs units, reserve units, & first-term Army wives. (DTIC: A256633: 123 pages).USUHS, Bethesda, 1992.


Ursano, R.J., Fullerton, C.S. Therapeutic intervention and normality. In D. Offer & M. Sabshin (Eds.), Normality and mental health controversy. Basic Books: NY, 1991.


Ursano, R.J., Fullerton, C.S., Wright, K.M., McCarroll, J.E. (Eds.). Trauma, disasters and recovery. (DTIC: A225911: 104 pages). Bethesda, MD: USUHS, 1990.

Ursano, R. J., Fullerton, C.S., Wright, K., McCarroll, J.E. Cognitive and behavioral responses to trauma. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Wartime Medical Services, Stockholm, Sweden, 1990, June.


Rothberg, J.M., Harrison, N.L., Fullerton, C.S. Combat service support survey results: A light infantry division and a mechanized infantry division. Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington, D.C., 1989.


Fullerton, C.S. Treating the Chernobyl victims: Individual and group response of the UCLA medical team. In R. J. Ursano, C. S. Fullerton (Eds.), Groups and organizations in war, disasters and trauma. Bethesda, MD: USUHS (pp. 99-106), 1987.

Fullerton, C.S., Ursano, R.J. Behavioral and psychological response to toxic exposure. In R.J. Ursano, C. S. Fullerton (Eds.), Individual response to disaster (DTIC: A203310), pp 113-128. Bethesda, MD.: USUHS, 1987.

Ursano, R.J., Fullerton, C.S. (Eds.). Groups and organizations in war, disasters and trauma. (DTIC: A203161: 106 pages). Bethesda, MD: USUHS, 1987.

Ursano, R.J., Fullerton, C.S. (Eds.). Performance and operations in toxic environments. (DTIC: A203162: 119 pages). Bethesda, MD: USUHS, 1987.

Ursano, R.J., Fullerton, C.S. (Eds.). Exposure to death, disasters and bodies. (DTIC: A203163: 161 pages). Bethesda, MD: USUHS, 1987.

Ursano, R. J., Fullerton, C.S. (Eds.). Individual response to disaster. (DTIC: A203310: 128 pages).Bethesda, MD: USUHS, 1987.

Ursano, R. J., Fullerton, C.S. (Eds.). Individual and group behavior in toxic and contained environments. (DTIC: 203267: 161 pages). Bethesda, MD: USUHS, 1987.

Ursano, R. J., Fullerton, C.S. (Eds.). Training for the psychological and behavioral effects of the CBW environment. (DTIC: 203680). Bethesda, MD: USUHS, 1987.